Returning to blogging wasn’t quite a me idea. The inspiration really came from my wonderfully talented friend, Pickled Okra, who decided that social media was a butt hole and wanted to divest from that entire situation. But there is value in communicating and connecting with people online, which is missed when no longer on social media.
Since we are bringing it back to old school blogging style, we had to go with a fancy Web ring of course! Thus The Sisterhood of Fermentation was born.
Honestly, I’m just happy to be here!
I’m so glad I could give inspo to return to blogging! My friend (who is also in the webring at “the-measure”, a couple clicks down from yours!) made a comment last night about how he noticed how much more creative his circle became once they left social media. I guess all that time consuming dumb crap really did eat up a lot of time that could’ve been spent doing something else. Plus I like not lining oligarchs pockets with money, when avoidable. 😛
Also, you’re the talented one. :emma roberts laughing gif:
I’m very happy to be a part of your sisterhood! Lets both be talented and crush this blog stuff!
~emma roberts in V for Vendetta laughing gif~
love you!